Pre-conference workshop by Bengt Muthén On Wednesday, May 17th, the day before the conference (8:45am - 5:30pm), Bengt Muthén will offer a one-day workshop on mixture modeling using the Mplus software. Dr. Muthén will illustrate a wide variety of latent variable mixture model scenarios (e.g., latent class analysis, growth mixture models), showing participants the unique research questions that can be addressed with the versatile Mplus software. The workshop will be held on the College Park campus, and the cost will be $75 for this terrific pre-conference opportunity. Space is limited! Click here for registration. |
Post-conference workshop by Matthias von Davier On Saturday, May 20th, the day after the conference (8:45am - 4:15pm), Matthias Von Davier will offer a one-day workshop on WINMIRA, a stand-alone software program for estimating and testing a large number of discrete mixture models for categorical variables. Models with nominal as well as continuous latent variables, and combinations of both, can be estimated with this software. WINMIRA can be used for latent class analysis, Rasch and mixed Rasch models, and for hybrid models with dichotomous and polytomous data. The workshop will be held on the College Park campus, and the cost will be $75 for this unique post-conference opportunity. Space is limited! Click here for registration. |
Conference sponsored by the Center for Integrated Latent Variable Research (CILVR) CILVR is a new center at the University of Maryland dedicated to methodological and applied latent variable research, training, and dissemination. To learn more, click here. |

"Mixture Models in
Latent Variable Research"
This conference, targeted at a national audience of methodologists and applied researchers with an interest in mixture models, addresses an area of research that has recently experienced a surge in emphasis and a rapid advancement of knowledge, namely that of mixture models in latent variable research. While national conferences held by AERA, NCME, and APA, as well as isolated international colloquia, have had presentations, sessions, or workshops focusing on developments and issues in mixture models, the upcoming conference will be unique in that it focuses entirely on mixture models and in a manner that is cross-cutting. Specifically, this conference includes mixture models within the context of item response theory, latent class analysis, structural equation modeling, survival analysis, growth models, and cognitive and developmental theory. By presenting mixtures in this comprehensive manner, attendees and presenters will be exposed to a variety of exciting ideas and mechanisms for modeling complex theories. The conference is scheduled for 8:30am - 5:00pm each day.